The textile production chain is characterized by a large number of processes, from the processing of raw materials to semi-finished ones, up to finished products.
The pre-treatment, dyeing, finishing, washing and drying operations are defined as "ennobling operations" and take place in various phases of the textile product, involving the treatment of staple, yarn, fabric and finished garment.
Throughout this supply chain, there are various problems associated with the production processes, from the maintenance of the machinery - and their components - to the processing of the fabric up to the management of pollutants.
For more than forty years Chemical Roadmaster constitutes one of the main players in the cleaning and maintenance sector of the textile industry, offering professional and eco-sustainable products, aimed at solving the needs of care and cleaning of systems, surfaces up to environmental and personal hygiene.
Machine downtime problems caused by belt slippage, roller blockage, reed malfunctions or other parts of the looms can be minimized thanks to the use of products such as Eco Rulli, Pettin Brill and Strix.
While with the use of formulations such as Ecofumi and Losen, the emission of harmful fumes due to the dirt present in wet systems can be kept under control.
However, Chemical Roadmaster has not stopped at solving only these problems, but has developed solutions aimed at making some of the leather manufacturing and treatment processes more efficient, improving the characteristics of the fabrics and other small needs, such as glue remover products.
As proof of this, we can take the innovative product as an example Ritardante Antifiamma Eco and l’ammorbidente Morpel/a.
The first, free from antimony and bromine, used during the finishing phase, gives the fabric a flame retardant and antistatic effect, while the Morpel/a softener prevents injuries or cracks during leather processing.
These are just some of the solutions present in the product line dedicated to the textile industry, but they are sufficient to show how in all these years Chemical Roadmaster has managed to study the needs of its customers and find innovative solutions for the sector and for the protection of the environment.
Download our brochure to discover all the products of textile line and their characteristics or contact us directly for more information.