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For correct use and for all matters relating to hygiene, environment and safety, refer to the label and our technical data sheets. The Roadmaster customer service is available for any further information or clarification.

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The 2018 edition of Interclean Amsterdam has just concluded, one of the most prestigious international exhibitions related to world of professional cleaning.

The exhibition, which recorded a record turnout, has become one of the most interesting fairs where it is possible to stay up-to-date on the latest innovations and trends in the cleaning sector.

Innovation. Questa è stata la parola chiave e trainante di questa edizione che, oltre ad essere stata in grado di offrire una panoramica completa delle più recenti tecnologie e tendenze della pulizia professionale, ha visto nel campo delle macchine robotizzate un significativo passo avanti della tecnologia implementata nel settore professional industrial cleaning.

And it is precisely around this area and its evolution that the interest of Chemical Roadmaster gravitates, which has always concentrated on the production of cutting-edge products dedicated to cleaning needs, and not only of this sector.

The exhibition allowed the company to be able to evaluate and deal with the innovations of the major global competitors and understand what the new needs that will arise from the use of new technological solutions may be. This proactive approach, aimed at anticipating market trends and needs, has allowed the company to evolve and establish itself over time.

Change and innovation are the values that have always guided and made up the offering of Chemical Roadmaster products, which pass through a research made of quality, competence and passion. Offering that today boasts a range of specific products that respond to the most varied needs of different sectors: from the construction industry, passing through the mechanical industry up to the textile one.

For more information on the characteristics and uses of products aimed at the industrial and textile sector, visit the dedicated pages and discover the solution that best suits your needs.

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