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For correct use and for all matters relating to hygiene, environment and safety, refer to the label and our technical data sheets. The Roadmaster customer service is available for any further information or clarification.
Spray detergent for cleaning reeds
Download technical sheet in PDF:
Pettin Brill is a product for textile reeds able to provide a good lubrication and antistatic effect, without leaving any greasiness or stains on tissues. Pettin Brill’s organic -silicon components have a low chemical reactivity and can be safely used on metals, tissues and rubber. Pettin Brill resists high temperature and provides complete and safe lubrication. Pettin Brill has a good degreasing power on smooth surfaces (metals or plastics) and if used regularly over time can help to keep tools in good condition, diminishing maintenance interventions, as it is odorless, colorless and leaves no traces.
If you wish to know more about this product please fill the form and we will be happy to get back to you with more information.
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