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For correct use and for all matters relating to hygiene, environment and safety, refer to the label and our technical data sheets. The Roadmaster customer service is available for any further information or clarification.
Antistatic lubricants for all kinds of yarns and fibres
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Lubistatic 1 e Lubistatic 2 are lubricants in aqueous emulsion, able to lubricate and reduce frictions between yarns. Differently from other products based on substances of petroleum origin, once exposed to high temperatures they do not leave carbon and rubber deposits that act as surface pollutants on yarns and tissues. Moreover, the two Lubistatic contain anti-oxidative additives for metals that come into contact with the antistatic agents, and emulsifiers that allow a very good solubilisation of the products in water The main difference between the two products is in the level of concentration of the antistatic active principle. Lubistatic 1 is the least concentrated, almost ready to use, to use in those case where the accumulation of electrostatic charges is low and where the need to lubricate is moderate. On the contrary, Lubistatic 2 is for the most difficult cases, with a substantial presence of synthetic yarns. Given its great affinity with water, after having used these products washings are simpler and faster, with savings in terms of time and costs. Scope of use: the two products are used mainly in the textile sector and for special purposes in the mechanical and processing industry.
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